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19 votes

Do we want our site to be part of the Winter Bash 2016?

Yes, gimme hats! I think Crypto.SE - as a community - should participate in the winter bash 2016. Individual users who don’t want to participate, don’t want to see hats, and/or are generally anti-...
6 votes

RWC is around the corner, will you be there and want to be greeted?

I will be there! Can recognize me by my name :)
Alin Tomescu's user avatar
  • 1,034
6 votes

RWC is around the corner, will you be there and want to be greeted?

I will be there! I may find me: possibly wearing a Crypto.SE shirt or with a Radboud University tag (2) will either be me (~10% chance) or one of my colleagues.
Biv's user avatar
  • 10k
5 votes

RWC is around the corner, will you be there and want to be greeted?

I will be there! For starters you can recognize me by: The Crypto.SE shirt I will be wearing My name sign having the initials "J P M" My avatar being on a physical button I will wear along with a ...
SEJPM's user avatar
  • 46.4k
1 vote

RWC is around the corner, will you be there and want to be greeted?

I was there. You could recognize me because I was hanging with fellow Crypto.SE people.
Lery's user avatar
  • 7,789

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