There are tons of questions related to cryptocurrencies which are off-topic on crypto.stackexchange - e.g. about retrieving access to a wallet, choosing whether to invest in a cryptocurrency, generic questions about fees in cryptocurrencies, etc. Usually, these questions are closed quickly with a dedicated explanation, often of the form "questions about cryptocurrencies are off-topic; only questions about the cryptography aspects of cryptocurrencies are on-topic".
Wouldn't it be appropriate, given the large volume of such questions, to have a community-specific reason for closing cryptocurrency-related questions? This could give a quick pointer to users to whom the difference between "crypto(graphy)" and "crypto(currency)" is not clear, with examples of typical off-topic questions (should I invest, where is my wallet, how to use this cryptocurrency, etc) versus on-topic questions (questions about security analysis of blockchain components, cryptographic primitives used in a cryptocurrency, etc).
I understand that these questions technically already fall under the "off-topic" flag given the scope of the website, but I wonder whether a dedicated explanation for this very common situation could be helpful for the many people who have a prior belief that any cryptocurrency question should be on-topic, and who will not necessarily take the time to dig into the real scope of this site.