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6 votes

Are NFT questions on topic on crypto.stackexchange?

Generally they are not, unless they are explicitly about the cryptographic algorithms used to implement the NFT. If they are about the general security you could ask on IT Security. If they are about ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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5 votes

Which cryptocurrency sites are there on Stack Exchange and everywhere else?

Yes, we can create a list of crypto-currency sites on Stack Exchange and elsewhere. However, I've decided that this list is better hosted at the generic meta pages as wiki answer, as many users of ...
2 votes

Are NFT questions on topic on crypto.stackexchange?

On-topic (probably): Handshake protocols and secure communication between NFT endpoints Off-topic: Physical characteristics, electro-magnetic encodings, general interchange format. Goto Security.SE: ...
DannyNiu's user avatar
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