I am interested about this recent closed question. I thought I'd ask here because I clearly have a different opinion to some, and I wanted to discuss the reasoning.
The question is marked as closed for "unclear what you're asking", which I just don't think it is - as per Hunter's prompt I've provided an answer in the comments.
I realize it doesn't necessarily show large amounts of prior research, but that doesn't make it unclear. These terms are used as key 'selling points' for a number of schemes, including many of the CAESAR submissions. Some examples using the terms specifically are given below - most of which are from CAESER because I have the zoo in-front of me:
- "Online": OCB, Ascon, CBA, APE, NORX
- "memory-constrained devices": Ketje / Keyak / Spongewrap,
- "lightweight": PRESENT, JAMBO, APE, BLINKER (presented CT-RSA14)
eCrypt report on Lightweight crypto
tl;dr: This question might not be the best ever written, but it is clear so at least we should close it with an appropriate reason.