What should we do with no-effort homework dumps?
CloseWe should close the question. We are doing a disservice to the students by doing anything else. There are also ethical issues here.
Should we treat questions with effort shown differently?
Yes, give them hints, but make sure not to solve for them.
Should we want to deliver full answers or merely hints? How should hints be delivered (answer / comment)?
Only hints and in comments.
How should we handle false positives (ie questions which look like exercises but actually aren't)?
I would just ask. If there’s a question showing effort and it looks like homework, then we can ask if it’s homework, or just assume and have them say that it’s not.
How strictly do we want to enforce these rules (at the discretion of each user / through reminder comments / through mod flags + mod deletion)?
I’m not sure. I think mod deletion certainly on the no effort dumps. We have to show the people doing this that it’s unacceptable. Everything else is about building a culture around it.
What about bringing back the homework tag?
I’m very strongly in favor.
Thanks for taking this issue seriously!