If you didn't already know, we do have a chat room for general discussion called the Side Channel. As for the details of finding this awesome name, look into "Should we name our chat room?".
Now what kinda bothered me was the room description. Right now this reads:
General discussion for crypto.stackexchange.com
Which is really boring and uninspiring.
So I'd like to ask here for suggestions for the room descriptions which are more interesting / inspiring / less boring and generic.
In your answer, please start with your suggested description (properly formatted) and then also provide some reasoning.
The usual voting rules apply:
- Upvote if you want to see the description.
- Downvote if you actively don't want to see this description.
To avoid this being an open question forever, first action will be taken on February the 28th at 23:59UTC at which point the currently most upvoted answer will be made the room description. If at a later point any answer outscores the leading answer the description will be updated.