Catchphrases and concepts that spread from person to person are known as memes, which, courtesy the Internet, can now explode across the Earth like a highly contagious virus (hence "going viral"). As with their real-life counterparts, some infectious diseases are global (pandemic), while others are endemic to specific regions.
Cryptography has seen a some of such memes and which are now part of our culture here on Crypto.SE and relateds (Meta, Sidechannel).
Just as travelers' immune systems can be assaulted by new diseases in new places, new users are increasingly likely to be miffed by an ingrained meme and left sitting scratching their heads. I therefore propose that this space be used to document the memes endemic to Crypto's culture.
Each meme should be listed separately and I hope that we as a community will be able to provide greater context to each one.
Each meme should be listed separately and I hope that we as a community will be able to provide greater context to each one.
Please actually explain each meme in a way understandable to those not already in the know of it and the related concepts.
This question was mainly stolen from PPCG, which itself stole it mainly from Meta.