I recently came across the time-sensitive tag, which seems to be used pretty haphazardly across a bunch of questions dealing with various aspects of time-related cryptography (e.g. time-lock puzzles, cryptoperiods, secure time synchronization), presumably because it happens to be one of the few tags we have with "time" in its name and because it looked generic enough and had no tag wiki.
I just added a quick tag wiki summary for it, essentially codifying the existing haphazard usage pattern, but I'm not really happy about that, so I'd like a second opinion on what to do with it:
Leave the scope broad, rename the tag to just time to reflect the scope.
Remove it from everything but questions dealing with time-lock puzzles (and maybe long-term encryption / cryptoperiods), edit tag wiki to reflect narrowed scope. May need some new tags to replace it on the edited questions.
Meh, it's good enough like this, just leave it as it is.
Also, what about the other existing tag with "time" (not prefixed with "one-") in its name, timestamping? It too needs a tag wiki. Should these two tags have non-overlapping scopes, or should one perhaps subsume the other?
Edit: Since the consensus seems to be to split / eliminate the tag, let me list the questions currently tagged with it and try to figure out how they should be tagged:
- Time Capsule cryptography?
What is the progress on the MIT LCS35 Time Capsule Crypto-Puzzle?
These are both about time-lock puzzles. We could make a new tag for them (e.g. timed-release), or maybe retag them under the existing proof-of-work tag.
How does one calculate the cryptoperiod?
This one's also kind of related, given that it's about how long a cipher may be assumed to remain secure. Still, we could just remove the tag from it and leave it only tagged with standards. I think I was the one who tagged it in the first place, anyway.
Is there an algorithm or hardware that can sign/verify natural time?
Any problems with this secure time synchronization scheme?
The first question above looks like it should be retagged with timestamping. The second (which, incidentally, was the one that prompted this meta question) could maybe also fit under timestamping in a loose sense.
Is it possible to make time-locked encrytion algorithm?
This one's basically about time-lapse cryptography, sensu Rabin & Thorpe, which might make a decent tag in itself. Or if we make a timed-release tag for the first two questions above, we could put this one under it too.
Self-expiring symmetric keys, or: cryptography in absence of secure deletion
This one's the oddball. Dunno what to do with it. Maybe just remove the tag?